Here are some of our current herd sires.

Crusher 022
Marcys Crusher 022 is a powerful son of the breed legend, Marcys Scale Crusher.
The Crusher cattle are known for their pounds of production with a strong foundation of structural soundness and maternal strength. Crusher 022 was the high selling yearling bull from Marcy Livestock in 2021, and is backed by a tremendous dam sired by Leachman Right Time. His first daughters will be in production in the spring of 2024.
Rafter S Dakota 80E
Dakota is a top performing Hilite son retained here at our ranch. His first set of calves are a very impressive group exhibiting eye appeal, muscle and leading performance. He naturally bred 60 females this summer. His mother was a 14 year old Rainmaker bred cow raising 12 calves to a 697 pound Weaning Weight. We look for a bright future in this young sire!
S A V Circuit Breaker 7136
Yield pays the weight on any carcass. Circuit breaker had a 19.2 square inch Rib Eye at a year of age which transmitted to 1.91 square inches for every hundred lbs of carcass weight. He sired a group of sons that are certainly following in his footsteps packing a lot of carcass merit.
Circuit Breaker’s daughters are feminine, broody and exhibit that easy doing ability and we look forward to calving his first set this spring of 2022.
Quiet temperament is second to none!
Rafter S Destiny 72B
Coming eight year old Density son whose dam is a granddaughter to 6595. His daughters in production are exceptional, feminine, sound and heavy milkers. His sons are solid and stand on an excellent foot and exhibit real breed character.
We look forward to his influence with our cowherd for many years!
S A V Radiator 8151
Radiator was the top of his class of the Resource sired group when we selected him. He has twenty two sons representing him in this sale, loaded with performance, style and a very easy going disposition.
Radiator is going to have a tremendous set of breeding females calving this spring.
Sterling 6067
Sterling was one of the top selling Cutting Edge sons at S.A.V. Our 2020 sale will feature the first outstanding crop with his influence. The bulls exhibit lots of eye appeal, are deep bodied and pack a serious performance punch – all important traits to our beef industry.
Sterling’s mother, a full sister to Resource, is moderate framed, deep bodied, has a beautiful udder and packs a lot of maternal qualities!
Day by Day Warrior 308D
Warrior was the high selling bull from the annual Short Grass Bull Sale in 2017. He is stout made and really maintains his body condition during breeding season.
He has sired an extremely attractive group to sell this year that will have a lot of performance. If you like one, you’ll like them all – they are a very consistent group.
Hilite 4088
This was our pick of the International 2020 sons from Schaff Angus Valley. He is backed by the maternal cow family, Blackcap May 8051. Hilite carries himself with true herd bull presence and boasts lots of muscle and natural thickness. His first calves look very similar to his profile and should have his outstanding carcass qualities as well. Hilite has seen heavy exposure this past breeding season – we are expecting 90 calves this spring of ‘17!!
Wiwa Creek Monarch 53'08
53U is a breeding bull of longevity and exemplifies all the important functional traits so sought after in new sires today. He is a well proven sire of moderate framed, broody females with beautiful udder shape and wean off heavy calves. 53U continued to be an active breeding bull until age ten. His bulls on offer are very suitable for virgin heifers.
Rush Lake 71'12
Rush Lake has definitely set the bar to a high level here at Stauffer Ranches! The pride in which he carried himself in the breeding field is also being stamped on his progeny – the style, hair coat, muscle and lots of maternal strength is very evident. We now have his first daughters weaning off some of our heaviest calves. This spring we’ll see 60 daughters of Rush Lake calving and another 30 replacement heifers being bred. His influence will have an impact for many generations to come.
Now owned with Spivey Farms, Illinois.
Landmark sire here at Stauffer Ranches. The long term value of this legendary sire will be reconized for many years to come. Tremendous females with perfect udders and structural soundness. Consistently stamped his progeny with beautiful hair coats, performance and longevity , plus exceptional carcass data
Castlerock 173P
Was the high selling bull from the annual Shortgrass bull sale Sask. A moderate framed bull with performance and true breed character. His sire TC Advanatge was a true low birth weight bull and Castlerock certainly passed this quality on to his offspring.
Was the first bull ever selected from the famous Wiwa Creek Angus at Rush Lake Sask. 48E had the capacity to cover the ground in as free a manner as you could want A very powerful sire that passed a lot of those desireable traits on to his sons. The females he sired can be found in many of our good cattle today.
This sire was the result of Stauffer ranches acquiring some old rare semen on R&J Atlas 3201 from Wiwa Creek Angus. The mating to our top Rainmaker 340 cow SFL Rosebud Lady 4E produced progeny with calving ease, performance and above all top mother cows. Foot structure and overall soundness was a very redeeming quality passed along to his progeny.
A top performance bull very similar to his sire 48E. The combination of 48E and Boardwalk left a broody set of cows with the capacity to raise those heavy stout calves year after year.
Pride 8P
This high powered performance sire was the high selling bull in the annual High Country Bull Sale.He was admired for his overall sheer power and dominating style. He was without question the most performance minded 6595 son to come along. Really worked well crossed on 62l and Rainmaker type cows.
When our SAR Miss Morrison 34N cow was crossed with Pride 8P this Silver Pride 77S would definitely have a huge impact at Stauffer Ranches. Consistently year after year his bulls would command the attention of all the top cattleman. The influence of this great sire will carry for many generations showing up in a lot of the good cattle.
Was selected out of the Frazer program Hussar AB. Perfect in his structure 4011 set the bar for cattle in a balanced approach and met all the requirements needed to consistently perform year after year . Many top females trace to 4011 and rise to the top year after year with top calves.