Welcome to our 2025 Bull Sale
the storm and being able to forge ahead.
Your selection criteria should never waiver at this point in time of increased revenue. Function, structural soundness, forage and fleshing ability, and the mothering instinct to bring home a heavy pay-weight calf must remain as one of our top goals. The ability to produce pounds of beef in a highly deliverable package has and always will be a crucial
selection goal of ours. Our success is driven by the success of our customers by the reports we receive of consistently weaning heavier calves each and every year, topped by the replacement market and the bred market as well. Investing in quality genetics in your next herd bull purchases remains consistent. Easy fleshing, wide-topped, long-bodied
herd sires will always remain in demand.
Please join us February 6th 2024 in Fort Macleod to appraise our bull sale offering. 70 big, stout, coming two-year old bulls on offer, ready to breed, and have the ability to cover a lot of cows this first breeding season.
Please do not hesitate to contact us prior to the sale with any inquiries you may have. Feel welcome to come and tour the bulls any time before the sale. They will be in Fort Macleod February 5th, 2025.
Looking forward to February 6th, 2025!